Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Russia strikes from Iranian soil

For the first time since World War II, Iranian soil has been used by the Russian airforce to send bombers destined for Syria.

Russian meanwhile became the first military operator to use the an Iranian Airbase after the Worls War II.

Neil MacFarquhar from the New York Times have a rather deep analysis on the issue. He states," Besides enabling Moscow to bring more firepower to the Syrian conflict, analysts said the new arrangement would expand Moscow’s political influence in the Middle East and speed the growing convergence between Moscow and Tehran".

You can read the full article in the New York Times here.

The main reason behind the decision taken by the Russian Ministry of Defence is that the bombers are too heavy to use the airbases established in Syria. The bombers have been carrying out missions from Russia while usage of Iranian air base of Hamadan in the north west of Iran makes the trip a thousand miles shorter.

While pangs of Russian-Iranian cooperation have been sung, a lot of people have been saying that the United States' decision of not using the fighter planes have made way for the Russia to enter the war in the Middle East.

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